Claim the Top Spot: Unleash Kenya's Best Local SEO Services

Tired of being invisible in local searches? Customers in Nairobi, Mombasa, Kisumu, and beyond are just a click away, but you're buried on page ten. At Black Shepherd Technologies, we're Kenya's premier local SEO powerhouse, catapulting businesses like yours to the top of Google and attracting a flood of new customers.

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Keyword Mastery

We uncover the hidden gems of local search, pinpointing the keywords that drive targeted traffic to your doorstep.

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Your website becomes a beacon of local relevance, optimized for speed, user experience, and search engine love.

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Citation Domination

We build a fortress of consistent online listings across Google My Business, local directories, and industry-specific platforms.

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Content that Converts

From blog posts bursting with local flavor to irresistible landing pages, we craft content that compels clicks and conversions.

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Social Media Savvy

We engage your local community, build brand loyalty, and amplify your online presence through targeted social media strategies.

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Keyword Research

We identify the keywords that people are searching for and using them throughout your website and content.

Clients Feedback

Our leads increased significantly since we started working with Black Shepherd Technologies. We're now the go-to Metal Laser Cutting Business in Kenya.
CEO at Mansa Laser Engineering
We saw a 200% increase in website traffic,ranking no.1 on heat pumps in Kenya and a 35% boost in conversions after just 1 month. These guys are the real SEO professionals.
Black Shepherd Technologies is the real deal when it comes to SEO in Kenya. They have a deep understanding of how search engines work and were able to tailor a strategy that perfectly fit my needs. My website at now ranks much higher in the search results, and I'm getting more leads than ever before."

Ready to Conquer Local Search?